1. Ensure that alongside the submitted ticket that the rate change form has been signed by the signer as well as being provided with a copy of the signers drivers license (due to this change being considered a "rate increase")
2. Log into TSYS/CBOS/mreports (www.mreports.com)
3. Click on Reports → Merchant Pricing Profile
4. Click on the gear icon → Apply Template
5. Pricing Template ID = Base Fees → Search → Click on Base Fees
6. Click on Card Brand Fees
7. Additionally, make sure that both the MC Acq Lic Fee & MC Annual Location Fee are enabled, if not, also click on these as these are also card brand fees
8. Once you've verified all fees, make sure you click on APPLY SELECTED, do NOT click on Apply all
9. All fields are left as is & click on Save as Complete for each item